


文系大→理系大学院(2) - prerequisite courses


The classes, or the knowledge, that we require that our students have covered before becoming Graduate students are the following:

CS 1010, Intro to Unix  (linux)
CS 1400, Intro to Comp. Science
CS 1410, Object-Oriented Programming
CS 2420, Algorithms & Data Struct.
Math 1210, Calculus I
Math 1220, Calculus II

CS 2100, Discrete Structures (math)
CS 3500, Software Practice I (C++)
CS 3505, Software Practice II (C Sharp)
CS 3810, Computer Organization (hardware)
CS 4150, Algorithms
CS 4400, Computer Systems (hardware)

If you don't have any computer science background, then it's advisable that you take all, or most of these classes, before becoming a masters student. However, many people acquire the knowledge through work and on their own, so the classes aren't necessarily required, but the knowledge is.


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